• Jersey design
  • Identity
  • Strategy
  • Webmarketing
  • Logo
  • Communication supports

Lead to professionalizing an Esport Structure


Clan Mystik is a French Esport structure who contacted AuroraStudios to help them in the aim of professionalizing their identity within the recruitment of a professional team on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This partnership allowed me to redesign out the overhaul of their visual identity as well as the design of their jerseys.

Establishing an effective marketing and commercial strategy

The recruitment of this professional team was a real commitment for the structure and we had to come up with an unseen and unique idea to make this investment profitable. We focused the strategy on the establishment of an online store offering various products and goodies highlighting the structure and the players. We created the mascot for their online store as well as various communication elements (mouse pads, caps, sweatshirt, lanyard, etc.).

A worldwide successful result

Ce coup de poker sur le recrutement de cette équipe par une structure anciennement “non professionnelle” fût bénéfique étant donné qu’elle remportera la finale Counter-Strike: Globale Offensive et se verra championne du monde aux ESWC 2013 (Electronic Sport Wold Cup) qui s’est déroulé au Paris Games Week. La victoire de l’équipe entraînera une médiatisation de la structure qui deviendra alors une référence en matière de success story dans l’Esport et augmentera sa notoriété, la fréquentation de son site et commandes sur sa boutique en ligne.
The gamble on the recruitment of this team by a structure formerly “unprofessional” was beneficial since they won the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ESWC 2013 (Electronic Sport Wold Cup) at the Paris Games Week. This victory will lead the structure to a huge media coverage, and became a reference in terms of success stories in Esport. This will also increased their notoriety, website visits and orders on the online store.

Source : https://www.vakarm.net/news/read/ESWC-2013-Clan-Mystik-champion-du-monde/5208

Source : http://www.jeuxvideo.com/news/2013/00068852-eswc-2013-clan-mystik-champion-du-monde-sur-counter-strike-go.htm

Source : https://www.hltv.org/news/11638/clan-mystik-over-vg-to-win-eswc

Photos credits : HLTV.org

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